If persons expose themselves to a danger, they assume a risk, meaning that there is a certain probability that they will suffer damage as a result of the danger.
First and foremost is the question of what dangers, i.e. what intended and unintended damage, we as individuals and society want to expose ourselves to. Only secondly should we consider what risks we are prepared to take on, that is, how likely we are to be exposed to a particular danger. This decision should at least involve all persons who are (or could be) exposed to the danger.
Many easily accessible oil resources have already been used up, but a process that uses small earthquakes to deliberately break up rock formations to release trapped oil and gas called "fracking" catapulted the USA back to being the world's second largest oil producer. Unfortunately, not all released gas and oil is extracted. Sometimes gas gets into the drinking water supply and from there, through the water pipe to your home. And if the water in your bathroom burns like in the documentary "Gasland", if wells explode and you only see your neighbors wearing a gas mask, then you have unfortunately had bad luck with the
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Glyphosat wird im Kombinationspräparat "Roundup" großflächig in der Landwirtschaft zur Unkrautvernichtung auf dem Acker eingesetzt. Wie Glyphosat auf die Organismen von Menschen und Tieren wirkt, ist nicht genau geklärt. Die Internationale Agentur für Krebsforschung klassifizierte den Stoff 2015 als "wahrscheinlich krebserregend für den Menschen". Seitdem wird gestritten über die Zulassung von Glyphosat in der Landwirtschaft, beide Seiten präsentieren Studien und Meta-Studien, die die Schädlichkeit bzw. Unschädlichkeit belegen sollen. Wissenschaftliche Objektivität und Eindeutigkeit verschwinden zusehends und jede_r hört den
Russian Residual-Risk Roulette
not only for ourselves but also for third parties.
The humanless factory is the aim of ever-increasing automation. The human being is only thought of as an appendage of a machine that functions as autonomously as possible. Simultaneously, humans might be introduced as cyborgs into these technological structures, harnessing only the supposed best of both worlds: human intelligence and creativity as well as the immortality and faultlessness of machines. The only remaining question is whether or not there will be a bullet included in the revolver with which the human being plays
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